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versuri selena gomez

Selena Gomez feat Selena Gomez - More - More lyrics

Take my hand and
Pull me closer
Whisper nothings in my ear
Till the walls just disappear
Feel the music
Take you higher
Feel my heart beat like a drum
Baby you're the only one
All the way one hundred one
Percent touchdown
Were gonna kill it leave the pack on
Take this town
Let's go watcha wanna wait for?
Let's take everything we ask for
Come on and turn it top
Let's tell the world we want
More , more , more
Let's go take over the dance floor
You'd be mine and i will be yours
Come on and let it play
Let me hear , you say
Come on everybody
Let's go party til they
kick us out now i dont care
Once we get it started
we won't stop until we get it al out
Take me here, Take me there
More more more
I want more
Let's go watcha wanna wait for?
Let's take everything we ask for
Come on and turn it top
Let's tell the world we want
More , more , more
Let's go take over the dance floor
You'd be mine and i will be yours
Come on and let ït play
Let me hear , you say
I want more !
Selena Gomez photo
Selena Gomez photo
Selena photo
Selena photo
selena gomezz photo
selena gomezz photo

Comentarii album • 1
Manuela 31 ianuarie 2010  
end now is place?:X
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